If Your Campus Tools Aren't Mobile-Friendly, They Need To Be!

If Your Campus Software Isn't Mobile-Friendly, It Needs To Be

We all know how convenient modern mobile phones are-- from instant answers on Google and Wikipedia to our favorite music and videos.  Mobile phones are used by a majority of students, but are all of your campus software solutions "mobile friendly?" 

Keep reading to make sure not a single mobile user falls through the cracks.

Percentage of Ownership

In just the past decade, mobile phone use has exploded on college campuses.  According to Pew, smartphone ownership has climbed from 35% to over 95% of all adults just since 2011, and it shows no signs of slowing down.  The same poll showed that a staggering 97% of college-aged adults (18-29) own a smartphone, with the same percentage (97%) for adult learners aged 30-49.

Not only that, but these numbers hold more or less true regardless of gender, ethnicity, income, etc.

As of 2024, 15% of US adults are "smartphone-only", meaning they do not use a traditional laptop or desktop computer for their Internet access.  This number is only expected to rise.


The Conclusion is Simple:

Colleges and universities must offer all campus software and online courses in a mobile-friendly way. 

So how can your campus be prepared?



It goes without saying that your primary web site must be mobile-friendly or "responsive."  Meaning it gracefully resizes and fits on any sized screen: phone, tablet, or computer.  Generally, this is the norm for most modern campus web sites.

But what about your web applications?

Your students must be able to access their advisings, grades, documents, registration, etc. on their phones as well as their desktop and laptop computers.  The same is true for your faculty & staff.  They need mobile access to all of the tools they use.  For example, in recording attendance or scheduling video appointments.


Need Help?

This is where our open-source advising and student success platform, FlightPath comes in. 

Contact us today for more information or a quick live demo.  Or if you're pressed for time, check out our quick videos on the basic functionality.