Navigating Top Issues Facing Higher Education with FlightPath

Navigating Top Issues Facing Higher Education with FlightPath
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Vecteezy/Imam Fathoni

As we approach 2025, Higher Education is facing a myriad of challenges that impact students, institutions, and the broader community. Issues such as rising costs, retention struggles, and the need for personalized student support are more pressing than ever.

This is where FlightPath Academics can help! Let’s explore some of the top issues facing higher education today and how FlightPath provides solutions.


Rising Costs and Budget Cuts

One of the most significant and urgent issues facing Higher Ed in 2025 are bugetary issues. If low enrollment expectations weren't bad enough, budgets across the country are being slashed-- again. Before increasing tuition rates or technology fees, let FlightPath replace your institution's expensive legacy advising software. We proudly offer FlightPath, with the same or more features than our competition, at a fraction of the cost your institution is currently paying.


FlightPath - Academic advising - Student informationStudent Retention and Graduation Rates

Retention is a critical issue for colleges and universities, with many students dropping out before completing their degrees. FlightPath's personalized advising features allow institutions to identify at-risk students early in their academic journey.

By leveraging data analytics and early alerts, advisors can engage with these students, providing tailored support and resources to help them stay on track. This proactive approach not only improves retention rates but also enhances the overall student experience.


Complex Academic Program Requirements

Many students struggle to navigate the sometimes complex array of academic program requirements expected of them to graduate. This uncertainty can lead to indecision and wasted time, and possibly even the student dropping out. FlightPath provides comprehensive degree maps that help students (and advisors) visualize their academic journey, and know exactly what courses to take, how many credits from elective groups, and exactly how long until they complete their degree.


FlightPath is perfect for remote or hybrid learningTransitioning to Remote and Hybrid Learning

Though the pandemic is behind us, it did help institutions to realize that remote and hybrid learning environments offer more options, and therefor more revenue, than traditional in-person class rooms. While this shift has opened up new possibilities, it has also highlighted the need for robust digital tools to support students in these formats. FlightPath’s online advising system is designed to thrive in virtual settings, providing seamless access to advising and resources no matter where students are located. This flexibility ensures that all students can receive the support they need, even in a remote learning environment.


Check Out FlightPath Today!

FlightPath is a flexible, easily customizable academic advising and student success tool that students and staff love

If you have any questions or would like a quick demo, Contact us Today.  Short on time? Watch a brief tour video.