EDUCAUSE 2023 Top 10 Issues Facing Higher Ed - How FlightPath Academics Soars

EDUCAUSE 2023 Top 10 Issues Facing Higher Ed - How FlightPath Academics Soars
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Every year, EDUCAUSE publishes a list of the Top 10 IT issues for Higher Education, which considers the opinions and topics most important to university leaders and CIOs.  In this post, we examine the list for 2023, and see exactly how FlightPath Academics is here to help.


2023 Top 10 IT Issues from EDUCAUSE:

  1. A Seat at the Table - Ensuring IT leadership is a full partner in institutional strategic planning.  FlightPath Academics bridges the gap between your campus' IT resources and your leadership team members, making collaboration seamless, and ensuring everyone is on the same page for your institution's goals.
  2. Privacy and Cybersecurity - Privacy and security is baked into FlightPath at the deepest levels, from the software we custom-design to the servers we use to run our services.  Contact us today for our HECVAT report, CAIQ Self Assessment, and Data Privacy policies.
  3. Evolve, Adapt, or Lose Talent - EDUCAUSE rightly points out that you must create a workplace which gives your faculty and staff the support for movement up, down, and sideways in order to fit in with their goals and work/life balance.  As FlightPath is 100% web-based and mobile-friendly, your faculty and staff can manage advisees, appointments, degree audits, etc, from anywhere and at any time of day.
  4. Smooth Sailing for the Student Experience - Students want a "frictionless student experience," and administrators want software that "just works."  We're happy to facilitate both!  Schedule a demo today or check out our videos for a brief tour.
  5. Enriching the Leadership Playbook - EDUCAUSE states that one must "Lead with humility and candor to engate, empower, and retain the IT workforce."  We couldn't agree more. A university's IT staff is one of its most valuable and difficult to replace resource. That's why we give them solutions that take work off their plates, instead of adding more to manage.
  6. Expanding Enrollments and the Bottom Line - FlightPath comes prepackaged with the reports and analytics you need to identify academics programs with high potential and recruitment ROI. We specialize on recruitment, retention, and graduation!
  7. Moving from Data Insight to Data Action - Our powerful reporting and analytics can easily help identify enrollment trends, course selections, likely outcomes for at-risk students, and even aid in scheduling future course offerings.
  8. A New Era of IT Support - With the increased reliance on remote/hybrid workers, IT support needs to be quick and effective. FlightPath Academics stands behind all of our products, and is always ready to address any questions or concerns as the come up.  We can even suppliment your existing IT department, lightening the load they carry so they can focus on other tasks.
  9. Online, In-Person, or Hybrid? - Whether your students, faculty, or staff are in-person or logging-in from home, FlightPath easily and securely manages student success.
  10. SaaS, ERP, and CRM - EDUCAUSE discusses managing the costs vs. value in these sorts of investments.  FlightPath Academics is very proud to offer its products (FlightPath for advising and student success, Jetstream as a CRM for recruitment, campaigns, and admissions) at some of the lowest, most affordable rates in the industry.


Contact us today to schedule a quick demo!  Or, if you're running low on time, check out our videos for a tour of FlightPath.